Terms of Use

There are no terms of use for this website .The words given bellow will help the people to use the website.

"HSC" for helping 12 standard students.This menu contain some subjective tutorial like Math, Physics,Ict, etc and also student can give online quzes that particular subjects.

"online earnings" menu contain some basic understanding of online earnings tutorials so that seekers can have a very a basic idea about online earnings and they can easily engageed with the online earnngs.

"Tutorials" menu contain different types of video tutorials and written as well.Every tutorial have two version bangla and english.

"Project" menu contain different types of project so that students can gather knowledge through projects and written as well.

"Be the best programer" menu contain the proper guideline step by step and written in bangla and english.

"OnlineJudge problem" menu contain different OnlineJudge problem solve that solved by Shakil Moharram .This is only given for the betterment of students.